Name: Rochelle McNally

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Occupation: HR Talent Analytics

Room size: 4,5 m² (48 ft²)

Cost of setup: $910

Hello! Tell us a bit about yourself

My husband and I purchased a house a year ago and have been working to bring it up to modern times.

It was originally a three-bedroom, one-bathroom home, but the previous owners had converted the third bedroom into a master bathroom and left a small 12×4 ft room.

Initially, we didn’t know what to do with such a small room.

We considered using it as additional closet space but ended up trying to make it work as a home office.

A small yet functional workspace in a former closet room
The previous owner used this room as a walk-in closet, but since it wasn’t connected to the master bedroom, Rochelle decided to convert it into her home office

I work from home, and my job focuses on analysing and synthesising large amounts of data, so I often need to work in complete silence to focus better.

When decorating the home office, my main goal was to design a tranquil and organised environment where I could fully concentrate while also making it a space where I’d enjoy spending eight hours a day.

I’m a huge Anglophile and have been to England many times, so one of the ways I personalised my office was by putting up all of the little trinkets I have gotten from England while visiting.

HM Queen Elizabeth II souveirs and other trinkets from England on a shelf
Rochelle is happy that she can showcase her cherished possessions in a private space

For example, I have a commemorative Platinum Jubilee plate from my last visit, a small plate commemorating Queen Victoria’s 200th birthday from another trip, some beautiful gold prints from a street art seller on the South Bank, and my personal favourite — a little Queen Elizabeth figurine that waves when the sun hits a solar panel on her purse.

These little touches personalise my office and make it feel like more than just a workspace.

Take us through your setup

Item Model
Laptop Dell Inspiron (company-issued laptop)
Chair Comhoma Office Chair
Desk shelf Nathan James Theo 2-Shelf Wall-Mounted Desk
Accent chair CANMOV Modern Accent Chair with Ottoman
Mouse VicTsing Wireless Mouse
Mouse mat LeadsaiL
Laptop stand Soundance Laptop Stand
Webcam cover MESMOS Laptop Camera Cover
Selfie ring light GearLight Selfie Ring Light

From start to finish, it took me about two weeks to redecorate my office.

I bought everything from Amazon.

I wanted quick delivery and was ready for my office to be more than just the one sad work desk I had been using for the year prior.

A small home office featuring a wall-mounted ladder desk by Nathan James Theo
Rochelle made use of vertical space in her small home office by installing a wall-mounted desk by Nathan James Theo

When I was looking for furniture for this room, I wanted a desk that saved as much space as possible and that I could easily scoot my office chair into when not in use.

My previous desk was too low, so my office chair couldn’t be pushed under it.

The desk and chair combo took up the entire 4 ft width of the room, which blocked half of an already tiny room from use.

Low-Budget Desk Alternatives for Small Spaces
No space and budget for a desk? Here are some inexpensive desk alternatives that work in small spaces.

To solve this issue, I purchased the two-shelf, wall-mounted desk by Nathan James Theo from Amazon.

It not only completely opened the room up for movement by having enough height to push my office chair under, but it also created a perfect use of vertical space with the wall shelves for storage.

I also have two cats that like to spend their time in the office when I’m working.

I initially considered getting a small cat tree for the window area, but instead decided to try finding a small but functional chair for both the cats and me to enjoy.

A black and white cat lounging on a chair in a small home office
Rochelle’s cats, her husband, and herself all love this chair. The cats lounge on it, her husband sits there when dropping by for a chat, and she likes to snuggle down in it to read a book

The CANMOV modern accent chair with an ottoman from Amazon turned out to be an unexpected winner.

It is one of the softest chairs I have ever sat in. It fits the space perfectly, even leaving enough room for a small accent table.

The chair is almost always in use either by the cats, my husband coming in to chat or by me when I want some alone time to read at night.

Home Office Chair for a Small Space
Find the best chair for your tiny home office with this easy guide.

The main struggle we faced while furnishing this office was removing the furniture that was already in the room before we remodelled it.

The computer desk, computer chair, and large bookshelf were all far too large for this small room, and as a result, they ended up leaving several paint scratches on the walls when we moved them out of the room.

The CANMOV modern accent chair with a sleeping cat and an ottoman
Rochelle bought everything for her home office from Amazon as she wanted to get this room done quickly

The previous owners had painted the room a horrible maroon colour, so the areas where the white paint was peeled off were very obvious and jarring.

We were fortunate to be able to match the colour of the white walls and paint over those spots before moving in the new furniture.

Since all of the furniture I bought for the new room was appropriately sized for the small space, we didn’t have any issues with wall damage when moving the new furniture in.

19 Small Home Office Ideas (With Photos From Real People)
Makers all over the world share their challenges, successes and tips for working at a small desk or in a confined space.

What’s your favourite item on your desk?

It’s hard for me to choose which item on my desk is my favourite because I love everything on it.

The box on the top right shelf is me and my husband’s “love box”, which contains little trinkets and souvenirs we have hoarded over the years we have been together.

We have the masks we wore for our very first Halloween together, loads of movie ticket stubs from our favourite movies, entrance tickets and booklets from various theatre shows and musicals we have seen, and so on.

The Platinum Jubilee commemorative plate is particularly special to me as well since my husband and I had the privilege of travelling to the UK to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee in person.

I remember watching the Diamond Jubilee on BBC America when I was in college and wishing I could be there, so attending and celebrating the Platinum Jubilee in person was such a special weekend for me.

A Queen Elizabeth figurine, London postcards, and other British souvenirs on the shelves in Rochelle’s home office
Rochelle is a huge admirer of British culture. She visited the UK multiple times and personalised her office by displaying souvenirs and trinkets she brought back from her trips

As I mentioned above, I also love my little solar-powered Queen Elizabeth figurine.

She was given to me years ago during our friend’s annual Secret Santa party, and it brings me so much joy when her little hand starts waving.

Overall, I might sound like a complete Anglophile nutcase, but until I redecorated my office as a space completely for me, all of my little British trinkets just sat in a box.

Being able to display my prized possessions in my private space has been a real highlight, and I am so happy with how it turned out.

What apps or tools do you use to get things done?

All of my work is done in Excel, PowerPoint and Workday.

If I had to choose a favourite, I would say Excel because it is so versatile.

With Excel, you can automate all of your weekly data views with just a push of a button if done properly.

What books, blogs or podcasts recently caught your attention?

Lately, I have been reading the Court of Thorns and Roses series, and I love it.

If you’re into fae romance, then this book is for you!

And yes, I have been doing all of my reading in my little office nook since redecorating it, and it’s the perfect place to escape and get lost in a book.

A Court of Thorns and Roses

“With bits of Buffy, Game Of Thrones and Outlander, this is a glorious series of total joy” (Stylist)

Buy on Amazon

Any tips for other makers who want to improve their workspaces?

My number one tip for decorating not just your home office but also every room in your house is to use your interests as inspiration.

For instance, my husband and I are into weird little natural history objects like rocks, geodes, bones, and plant diagrams.

So when we were decorating our living room, we decided to build a large built-in bookcase to display all of the exciting items we’ve collected over the years.

A built-in bookcase displaying a collection of some trinkets and natural history objects, such as rocks, geodes, bones, and plant diagrams
“We like to say that our living room aesthetic is the Mid-Century Modern Museum of Natural History”, adds Rochelle

Our bookshelf brings us so much joy when we have friends over and can talk to them about our newest finds.

It makes our home feel more like an extension of us.

So as long as you keep your interests and personality in mind when decorating, everything else will fall into place.

What does your typical day look like?

I have been working from home since the pandemic started, so as soon as I wake up, I head to my office to start work while my husband makes me Thai Chai tea.

I work on whatever data requests have come in that week.

In our free time, my husband and I play video games on our PCs. We have a second bedroom in our house that serves as a game room, where we have our two PC battlestations next to each other on a long desk.

45+ real shared home offices
Including side-by-side, face-to-face, and open-plan arrаngements.

Sometimes we play games like World of Warcraft together, but our video game preferences are usually very different.

I like strategy games and card games, while my husband plays a lot of FPS, so having our computers on the same desk and being near each other makes sharing our common interests fun, even if we aren’t playing together.

Your tips for working from home?

Personally, I need complete silence when I work, especially when dealing with large sets of raw data.

I’m easily distracted by even the slightest sounds, so having a home office entirely to myself has been a must.

Being organised is also so important. I keep folders in Outlook arranged by topic and save every important email I receive, even if the task is done, so that I can reference it later if needed.

I colour-code emails I receive.

For example, if I receive a data request, I colour-code it blue; if I receive a new contract that needs to be set up, I colour-code it yellow; if I receive an email with information that I need to keep in mind, perhaps to discuss in our team meeting, I will colour-code it orange, etc.

A desk setup featuring the Dell laptop, lamp, Honourable Lady mug, and some British souvenirs on the shelves
Rochelle finds inspiration by experimenting with different designs in the game The Sims. “It helps flesh out what you like and don’t like”, she says

This way, I can quickly identify which emails are important and need my attention.

Colour-coding emails, saving emails into folders, and making sure to have a clean inbox with only emails you currently need while deleting or moving emails that you don’t need, are how I’m able to find any information I need to do my job most efficiently.

Lastly, I use OneNote to keep track of tasks, as well as any information that I frequently refer to, such as the Excel formula template.

Workspace Tours & Home Office Ideas
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We’re a reader-supported publication. This article might contain affiliate links. It means we may receive a commission if you click a link and buy a product that our maker has recommended. The interview was done independently.