Advertise with Maker Stations


Maker Stations is an online publication and Sunday newsletter showcasing high-quality, in-depth interviews with working-from-home creators and makers about their workspaces.

Since 2021, we’ve published over 100 workspaces on our website featuring personal stories behind home office desk setups.

Showcase your brand or product to a community of creative professionals interested in workspaces, technology, and productivity.

Website key facts (last 30 days)

  • 25,000 monthly sessions
  • 22,000 active users
  • Geography: US, UK, Canada, Australia, India (top 5 countries)
  • 42 domain rating (according to Ahrefs)


Banner A (main banner; 892 x 343 px) is visible on desktop and mobile in all articles.

Banner B (side banner; 422 x 162 px) is visible on desktop only in all articles.

Banner C (top sticky bar) is visible on desktop and mobile in all articles. Text only.


Banner A, displayed on our website for a full 30 days, is priced at $250.

Banner B, displayed on our website for a full 30 days, is priced at $100.

Banner C, displayed on our website for a full 30 days, is priced at $150.

All three banners, displayed on our website for a full 30 days, are priced at $470.

For inquiries regarding alternative advertising periods and formats, please get in touch with us via email at advertise[at]

We accept payments through Wise and PayPal (please add fees on top). For those based in the UK, we also support bank transfers.

We understand that creating the perfect banner can be a hassle. Therefore, if you provide us with your original graphics, we are more than happy to adjust your banner to fit our specified sizes at no additional cost.

Newsletter Ads

Put your brand or product in the spotlight and engage with our community of makers and creative professionals.

Newsletter key facts:

  • 2600+ subscribers
  • Open rate: ~56%
  • Click-through-rate: ~8%
  • Audience: Creative professionals. Content marketers, growth leads, writers, entrepreneurs, visual and product designers, developers, VCs, and other amazing people interested in workspaces, technology, and productive working from home
  • Geography: US, UK, Australia, Canada, India, Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain
  • Frequency: once per week (every Sunday)

Advertising Formats

Option A. Main Sponsor 💥

  • Top of the email
  • Text-only, 250 characters maximum, one CTA, five bolded words max
  • 1 spot per issue
  • Cost: $60
  • Discounts available (newsletter only): Book three spots for $160, book five for $290, book 10 sponsor spots for $570

Example in situ below.

Option B. Short Shout-Outs 🔊

  • Classified ads at the bottom of the email
  • Short sponsored links, 150 characters each, three bolded words max
  • 3 spots per issue
  • Cost: $20
  • Discounts available (newsletter only): Book three classified ads for $50, book five ads for $85, book ten ads for $170.

Example in situ below.

How to book your spot

Send us an email to advertise[at] and share the following:

  • Provide us with your full name and billing address as an individual or registered business. Please also give us your tax identification number if you have one. We’ll never sell or share your data with anyone else. We only need this information for invoicing and tax purposes.

  • Pick the date you’d like to book. Please ensure that there’s at least a one-week gap for us to confirm all the details. For example, if you submit a request for a website banner on August 10th, the earliest start date available would be August 17th. Assuming we approve your request and receive payment on time, your banner will be displayed on Maker Stations’ website from August 17th to September 16th (for 30 days).

  • Tell us which advertising format you prefer. For the website: Main Banner, Side Banner, Top Bar Banner or all of them. For the newsletter: Main Sponsor, Short Shout-Outs or both.

  • Ad copy, visual assets, and description. Share your desired copy, a logo, or other related imagery, along with a brief description of the product, service, or any other content you would like to promote through Maker Stations. All ad copy is subject to approval. We may edit it internally to meet Maker Stations’ quality and tone of voice standards (but we’ll make sure you’re happy with the ad, of course).

We carefully review every submission within three business days. If you don’t hear back from us by then, it means we’ve decided not to move forward with your ad enquiry at this time.

We accept payments through PayPal and can also handle bank transfers if you’re UK-based.

What our community says

“Maker Stations is one of my favourite places to go to when I’m looking for inspiration on how to improve my desk setup!” (Cam DiCecca, photographer)

“A wonderful source of real-life insight and inspiration!” (Richard Soledad, Designer)

I spent an hour just looking at everything you wrote and immediately signed up for the newsletter” (Paul Neeb, Student)

“Awesome and inspirational stories from creators that I could be reading for hours!” (Lisa Martinovska, Designer)

Something to keep in mind

We don’t work with casinos, poker and betting platforms, medicine-related organisations, dating and adult sites, smoking-related ventures, or any other endeavours that fall into similar categories.