Desk Tours

Get inspired by our interviews with designers, developers, musicians, business owners, photographers, and other creators across the globe. Read and learn about personal journeys behind their desk setups.

A cosy workspace featuring a desk lamp, a mechanical keyboard, a mug, a potted plant, and a stack of books

Creative Director’s Desk Setup in California, US Members Public

“Everything from the colour scheme to the design is based around my desk”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Design Setup
A modern home office setup with a floating dual monitor desk

Floating Desk Setup in Washington, US Members Public

“My father and I welded an entire steel frame with a built-in cable rack to hold up the tabletop, headboard, and both of the shelving units on either side”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Cable Management
A well-lit bedroom home office with plants

Artist’s Bedroom Desk Setup in San Francisco, US Members Public

“There is certainly an affinity towards the colour blue and frogs, which is seen in my workspace”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Bedroom Setup
A cosy IKEA desk setup with an Embody office chair

IKEA Desk Setup with an Embody Chair in San Francisco, US Members Public

“I love to tinker, as all my keyboards and computers were self-built and tinkered with”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Cable Management
A neat and modern, monochromatic home office setup

Two-Desk B&W Space of a Content Creator in Italy Members Public

“The studio is superb — not overly spacious but still has plenty of room for both my large desk and a smaller one for creating content”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Cable Management
 A cosy home office setup with a large computer monitor, a desk with various tech accessories and houseplants

Nature-Inspired Home Office in Vienna, Austria Members Public

“The primary colours of my desk setup are black and white, chosen for their minimalist aesthetic and the striking contrast they offer against the wooden elements and greenery“

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Desk Tours
A neatly organised office space featuring a wooden desk with a computer, speakers, and various accessories

Tiny Home Office in New Hampshire, US Members Public

“I like it, because it forces me to be choosy about the stuff I keep in here”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Budget Setup

Clean Mac Studio Setup in Austria Members Public

“I’m all about keeping it clean and minimalist, just the essential tech and tools to get things done without any unnecessary distractions”

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Minimal Setup